River Region Psychiatry Associates

The Face of Mental Health

River Region Psychiatry Associates (RRPA), founded in 2008 by Dr. Shankar Yalamanchili or Dr. Chili, is a respected private psychiatric practice headquartered in Alabama. It offers comprehensive psychiatric services across Alabama, Kentucky, Tennessee, and Georgia.


Dr. Chili’s vision for RRPA has always been centered on improving access to mental health care for those who need it most, precisely when they need it. The practice stands out for its approach to quality care and inclusiveness by serving diverse settings like mental health centers, jails/prisons, nursing homes, and hospitals.


He credits his success to hard work, family, dedicated staff and providers, and the Montgomery community. RRPA strives for efficient, high-quality care and aims to expand its reach, train providers, and innovate care models while maintaining cost-effectiveness. With a mission to deliver effective, efficient, and high-quality care, RRPA continues to be an industry innovator in the mental health ecosystem.




334.239.2622 | RRPA.US


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